Slow living is a lifestyle concept that involves you taking a more leisurely pace to life in general. Specifically, this slow living challenge, involves curating a more conscious…

The end of the year is almost a natural pause point – the brief period after the whirlwind of the holidays. An end of year reset is an…

Just like in Game of Thrones, winter is coming. It’s colder, darker, the days are shorter, and busier. The Balanced Winter Blueprint offers a productive yet gentle and…

You can find wonder right where you are with these mini adventure ideas. Instead of being grand undertakings, mini adventures are small-scale and short-term. They bring some variety…

If you’re looking to shift your mindset to invite more positivity into your life? Using these journal prompts for abundance can be a powerful way to start. What…

Whether the reset of joyous events, or painful experiences, new beginnings offer great potential for growth and transformation. With this post of affirmations for new beginnings, I hope…

Summer is a season overflowing with opportunities. By intentionally choosing to romanticize summer, you can ensure the season is a memorable experience. When you’re romanticizing, you’re taking the…

Time flies. First it’s January, then it’s June! But if you are currently in June or July, that makes now a perfect time for a mid-year reset. A…

Learning how to show up for yourself every day can truly transform your life. It’s not about pushing yourself beyond your limits, making yourself burn out, or feel…