


These days we can spend a lot of time sitting at our desks, why not make them an enjoyable place? Figuring out how to create an inspiring work space involves creating balance between functionality and inspiration. Adding personal touches is a key part of creating an inspiring work space. The truth is that your environment can really impact the way you feel. It can affect your focus, creativity, and productivity. Whether you’re sitting at your office or home desk, it doesn’t require a complete overhaul or big budget. Quality Lighting Good lighting is crucial for how to create an inspiring work space. If it’s possible, you should position your desk near a window. But of course natural light is only beneficial during the hours that the sun is shining. If you’re working on a dark day or during late hours, you’ll still need a good lamp for your desk.…

Setting monthly goals can be a game-changer. They create balance between long-term and short-term, and you can easily overview your progress. Most people only set goals once a year, right at the beginning. Setting big goals for your year can definitely be empowering, but those goals tend to lack flexibility. A lot of things can also change during the course of a year. Setting monthly goals is a powerful strategy that offers numerous benefits. Why Monthly When you have an entire year to complete your goals it can feel like you have all the time in the world.. in the beginning. But as the months quickly slip by, you may find you haven’t made much progress towards those goals. By having a narrow defined period of time, you increase your level of accountability when it comes to actually completing your tasks. Monthly goals represent a balance between long-term and…

If you’ve found yourself stuck in a rut, questioning your habits and yearning to exit your lazy era, you’re not alone. So many of us want to be in our productive era, we just don’t know where to start. Well, I’m here to tell you where to start. So now more excuses! It’s time to get your life together and that starts with taking a honest look at your routines, habits and narratives. Where you are now Take a good look at your daily life. What have you been doing with your time? If you’ve been procrastinating, try to get to the root reason why. This is a time for self-awareness, but not a time for self-condemnation or shame. Please do not confuse taking time to rest for being lazy. You need time to rest, it’s absolutely essential. So, be honest, are you truly being lazy? Or is…

You don’t need to wait for a new year, a new month or even a new week to start recalibrating and resetting your life. Originally I had thought to compile an entire life reset into a single day, but then I realized just how unrealistic that was! Your current life wasn’t formed in a day, your new one won’t be either. Even following this life reset checklist will still require that you put in the work. Maybe you’re feeling a little burned out or just unmotivated and restless. We all have those feelings occasionally. Sometimes you wish, like a computer, you could just hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE and get a fresh start. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. But it is absolutely doable. Beginning the journey of following this life reset checklist resembles setting off on a transformative expedition. Whether you’re feeling lost, exhausted, unbalanced or overwhelmed, it’s okay…

Are you considering challenging yourself to a no/low spend month? If you are, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve compiled some of the best no spend month tips here for you. Spending money has almost become second nature. A no spend month is the perfect way to begin to kick your over-spending habit. I’m going to help make it super easy for you to keep track of your no spend month too, I made a *ton* of templates to help you out! Benefits The biggest benefit of this challenge is that you will grow more mindful of the way that you are spending your money. Financial awareness is the first step to financial freedom. Not only will you be saving money, but you’ll also be building up your self-control. It’s easier to spend frivolously on something you want than to deny yourself of it. Especially now that…

Life can get hectic, so it’s good to take the time to get back on track and recenter ourselves. That’s where the magic of a monthly reset routine comes in! Like all routines, the best one is the one that you create for yourself. These are great guidelines to get you started, but not everything may apply to your life. Pick and choose what you need, leave what you don’t. Some tasks get repeatedly put off and forgotten for long periods of time. We can lose a little bit of perspective when we’re just taking it one day at a time. Step back and widen your view to a full month to help keep your life on track. Reflect Grab a journal, a scrap of paper, your phone or your tablet and pour all of your thoughts out. Clear everything out of your mind to make space for a…

Do you suffer from the Sunday scaries as the weekend draws to a close? It’s natural to feel a bit apprehensive about the upcoming week, but you don’t have to! Choose some of these simple Sunday habits for a productive week and set yourself up for success in the new week. I say choose some of these habits for a reason. Don’t feel like you need to push yourself to tackle this entire list at once if you’re not feeling up to it. It’s better to ease into creating a routine for your Sundays. Over time you can cultivate a routine or ritual for Sundays including things that you’re actually looking forward to doing. As the saying goes, a Sunday well spent bring a week of content, so let’s get into it. Rise and Shine That means do not hit that snooze button. Ok I’m sorry that the…

Would it surprise you to learn that repeating affirmations for productivity will help shift your mindset? Affirmations are statements or phrases that we repeat to ourselves. Affirmations can be spoken or they can be written. The main thing is that they are repeated. Studies have shown that positive affirmations actually have a positive impact on the brain. By repeating affirmations you reinforce them in your mind. It works because you’re impressing this upon your subconscious mind. Of course, affirmations aren’t magic, they won’t instantly turn you into a super productive version of yourself. Positive affirmations are especially effective if you have some subconscious negative affirmations running in the background. That’s right, affirmations can be negative too. So you can understand why it’s so important to pay attention to the way you talk to yourself -You might be reinforcing negative beliefs. These affirmations for productivity are just somewhere to…

There are so many posts about productivity, but I don’t think there’s enough being said about healthy productivity. Maybe you haven’t heard those two words paired together before: healthy productivity. Is there such a thing? I believe so, yes. The most important thing is balance – you don’t want to burn yourself out. Be Realistic It is important to understand that you can’t be at optimal efficiency all of the time – so don’t expect yourself to be. you are are not a robot or a machine. There are a finite amount of things you can get done in a day. Put realistic, sustainable expectations on yourself. You should always give yourself more time than you think you’ll need. Plan for things to go wrong, for mistakes to happen! Don’t plan for things to go 100% right because they rarely do. It’s important not to go overboard and think…

Which is better, the grandiose perfect project that you never start or the good enough project that you get finished, even if it’s not exactly in line with what you envisioned? I think we both know the answer to that. What we need to know is how to let go of perfectionism. Side Effects Aiming for perfection usually leads to procrastination. Perfectionism says wait until you’re ready, wait until the perfect time. But there is no perfect time. There is only time and what we do with it. Perfectionism can also heavily influence your anxiety levels. With perfectionism there are no gradients or shades of grey, there is only black and white. You’re either perfect, or you’re a failure. Putting that kind of pressure on yourself is crazy! In that way, perfectionism can defeat you before you’ve even started. I have a secret to let you in on:…