
Personal Growth


Sometimes life can leave us feeling drained – physically, emotionally and mentally. We all have days where we feel like we just don’t have anything more to give. That’s why you need to know how to reset your energy. Remember that it’s important to give yourself grace and care for yourself during these times. If you’re feeling burned out and drained, beating yourself up isn’t going to help. Put Yourself First Putting yourself first is an essential, but often overlooked, aspect of resetting your energy. You may have tons of responsibilities making this more difficult, but you have got to remember that your needs are important too. Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, making it even harder to meet those responsibilities. Spend some time taking a break and reconnecting with yourself. Sip on your favorite beverage, buy yourself some nice flowers, or go for a walk in the…

Setting monthly goals can be a game-changer. They create balance between long-term and short-term, and you can easily overview your progress. Most people only set goals once a year, right at the beginning. Setting big goals for your year can definitely be empowering, but those goals tend to lack flexibility. A lot of things can also change during the course of a year. Setting monthly goals is a powerful strategy that offers numerous benefits. Why Monthly When you have an entire year to complete your goals it can feel like you have all the time in the world.. in the beginning. But as the months quickly slip by, you may find you haven’t made much progress towards those goals. By having a narrow defined period of time, you increase your level of accountability when it comes to actually completing your tasks. Monthly goals represent a balance between long-term and…

Lists are a simple and effective way to stay organized. They don’t take a ton of time to create, but they can offer a lot of help in managing your daily tasks and responsibilities. In this post, I share various ideas for lists to make for self-improvement that anyone can start today to enhance their life. Your brain is super busy with so many thoughts running through your head every day. With everything the world throws at you demanding your attention, it’s impossible to hold on to all of them. Of course, we’re bound to forget some things! This is where the power of list writing comes into play, turning intangible ideas into something tangible and actionable. But you don’t just want to make any list; you want to make good lists. Creating these lists isn’t just about jotting things down; it’s about setting your intentions, tracking your…

We spend so much time being stressed out that we forget that it’s not our natural state of being. We forget how we used to seem to shine. So how do you get your sparkle back? The journey of finding your sparkle begins with acknowledging your own inherent worth. We all have a unique light that we bring to the world, we all have a sparkle. It’s that special light within you that makes you glow. It’s your inner radiance. But sometimes that radiance can get dulled. It’s truly a rediscovery of your sparkle, because it’s always been there within you. We’re just going to help it shine a little brighter. Reflect Spend some time reflecting and try to figure out when the last time you really sparkled. Try to recall the last time you felt radiant. What were you doing? Who were you with? One of the…

It’s time to step into a new year and a fresh chapter of your life. These blank pages are just waiting to be filled with the ink of new year next level habits. These next level habits aren’t just about resolutions that fade away with January – they’re impactful commitments that have the power to rewrite your story going forward. This year is going to be a year of evolution, growth and of course, leveling up. Maximize your Mornings The first new year next level is to stop wasting your mornings. Waking up late, rushing for breakfast (or skipping it), then running out the door already stressed isn’t anyone’s ideal start. How you start your morning often directly impacts the course of the day ahead. Use whatever time you have in the morning to set the stage for the rest of your day. A good morning often…

This mental glow up challenge is more than just a trend, it’s a commitment to becoming your best self from the inside out. This challenge isn’t about superficial changes or about quick fixes, it’s about fostering a lasting change within yourself. Often, a glow up is used to describe physical changes and improvements, but we can go deeper than that. What I’m talking about is when you glow up from the inside out. A mental physical and emotional transformation for the better. as the urban dictionary puts it. Maybe you’re feeling trapped in negative thought patterns, or you feel like you aren’t living up to your true potential. This glow up challenge is a journey of self-growth and positive change that can improve so many different areas of your life. If you’re ready, you might want to grab a pen and paper to start taking notes. You can also print…

When the sweltering heat gives way to crisp air, you know fall is here. The fall season invites you to enjoy the simple things and be thankful for the abundance in your life. These cozy habits for fall will help fill your days with warmth and comfort. Fall is a time when nature is undergoing a beautiful transition. Many animals are starting to prepare for the coming cold. In this post we’ll explore a collection of 15 cozy habits for fall that truly complement the spirit of the season. Reading Snuggle up with your softest blanket, get comfortable and pull out a good book. Reading is such a relaxing activity along with a great habit to pick up during any season. Reading is a great cozy habit to start as an evening ritual before bed. It can be a relaxing way to unwind after a long…

Cultivating healthy mindset habits is crucial because they empower you. Your life isn’t just about external factors and what happens to you. A lot of life is how you respond. Your mindset actually shapes your experiences because it impacts your perception of life. Your mindset also influences your thoughts, your emotions, and your reactions. So many people have overcome so many things and most of the time it just comes down to their mindset. There’s a reason why the quote “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” is still so popular. Along with about a hundred other quotes about achieving what you put your mind to. These are not quick fixes, but essential healthy mindset habits to hone over time. Your mindset wasn’t created in a single day, and it’ll take more than a few days to shift it. But it is absolutely possible to take your unhealthy mindset habits…

Going through a breakup can be incredibly challenging and emotionally draining. A key tool for understanding and healing your feelings is journaling. That’s where these breakup journal prompts can help. I think we’ve all been here before. Breakups can be difficult. A breakup represents a change in your life. Sometimes a big change that disrupts your sense of stability. Plans you made may end up dissolving and it can be painful to let go of your expectations for the future. Sometimes we need to grieve, or at the very least, process. Breakups are a period of transition, self-reflection, and if you are determined – personal growth. That’s what we’re hoping to achieve with these breakup journal prompts for reflection, growth, and moving forward. Prompts for Reflection Reflecting on the breakup isn’t meant to make you feel worse. It’s meant to help you gain some clarity and perspective on the relationship.…

Do you lack discipline? You’re not alone. Positive affirmations for discipline can be a powerful tool in the pursuit of personal growth. By consciously repeating positive statements that reinforce our commitment to self-discipline, we can reprogram our subconscious mind and unleash our inner potential. Too often, instead of facing the hard and uncomfortable things, we run from them. We distract ourselves. After all, it’s so much easier to do comfortable and familiar things. That’s what our brain actually wants, to keep us safe and away from discomfort. But beating yourself up over your lack of discipline or “not trying hard enough” doesn’t ever work. Discipline is not just self-denial. What you want to do is work with yourself, and your emotions, to cultivate self-discipline for yourself. That’s where the transformative power of positive affirmations for discipline comes in. Positive affirmations are beneficial statements or phrases that we repeat…