30 day challenges are challenges where you commit to doing something every day for 30 days.
(to the best of your abilities).
Depending on the challenge, this could be the same thing every day or it could be something different each day but along the same theme.
You’re committing to approximately one month, not forever.
You’re creating momentum.
These 30 day challenge examples are like tiny lifestyle experiments.
Not so long that they’re unrealistic, but long enough that you still need to have some self-discipline.
So what kind of challenge should you undertake?
I’m so glad you asked, because I have a ton of great 30 day challenge examples!
Quick Access
Physical Health Examples
Once you get started on doing healthy habits for consecutive days, the repetition helps to keep you going.
It’s not long enough for you to see super dramatic results but it may be long enough for you to feel some results.
This could be 5,000 7,000 or 10,000 steps that you want to hit every day.
Aim to drink a certain amount of water, you already know it’s good for you.
Wake Up Early
Commit to waking up early every morning – whatever early looks like to you.
Go to Bed Early
Challenge yourself to wind down and get to bed early every night.
Hours of Sleep
If you aren’t getting at least 7 hours each night, challenge yourself to.
Servings of vegetables and/or fruit that is.
Food Tracking
Track everything that you consume for 30 days.
Vegetarian / Vegan
Give up meat for 30 days. Some studies have shown that your cholesterol levels may even drop.
Try taking all of those vitamins you’ve been told to take.
If you aren’t already flossing daily, this is a definite challenge to take on!
Stretching helps to decrease the stiffness of your muscles and increase your range of motions.
There are so, so many different kinds of exercise challenges out there. From crunches and squats to body weight and lifting.
Mental Health Examples
Care for and make your mental well-being a priority. The changes you make can be small, but meaningful and impactful.
Find some mindfulness in your day with as little as 5 minutes of daily meditation.
Institute a practice or start writing them down in a journal.
Make time to care for yourself every day, even if you’re busy.
It’s the best medicine, so try to get a dose of it daily!
There are a ton of different ways to journal, try one out for a month.
Walks Outside
Walking in general is good for you, walking outside gives you an extra boost of stress reduction.
Technology is so interwoven into our lives, it’s healthy to take time to unplug each day.
Creativity Examples
Creativity comes in so many different forms, it doesn’t look like just one thing. It’s not just making art, it’s having original ideas! I think Albert Einstein probably put it best, ”Creativity is intelligence having fun.”
– or phone-ography if you don’t have a camera. Take a photo daily.
This could be drawing, painting or whatever medium you prefer.
Read every day to reduce stress and expand your perspective.
Even just writing 20 words a day is 600 words in a month!
Go out of your way learn something new every day for 30 days.
Or you could go for a more general creativity challenge. In fact I have one for you!
click for the larger image!
Financial Examples
Maybe what you want to work on in your life isn’t your health or creativity, but your financial situation.
I have a few 30 day challenge examples for that too!
A popular challenge is to save +$1 each day.
So $1 on the first day, $2 on the second, $3 on the third and so forth.
That’s $465 by the end of the month.
Cash Only
It can be so easy to swipe a card, try only paying with cash for 30 days.
Challenge yourself to only purchase items that you have coupons for, or that are on sale.
Low Spend
30 days of not buying anything that isn’t essential.
(essential meaning stuff like groceries, gas, paying your bills)
Expense Tracking
Track every cent you spend for a month to see exactly where your money is going. There’s a free expense tracker printable in the vault just for this! Subscribe for the password.
None Challenge Examples
Sometimes it’s about having none, or giving something up instead of adding something new. Here are some 30 day challenge examples about removing something from your life.
Complaining is a waste of our time and energy, try gratitude instead.
The benefits of a dry month can include weight loss, clear skin and better sleep quality.
We like to pretend that caffeine isn’t a drug, but it is. Most of us could use it a little less.
We all know that smoking is bad for us.
Added Sugar
While cutting out sugar entirely can be very difficult, just try cutting out added sugars.
While soda is tasty, it’s also full of empty calories – and added sugar.
Say no to dessert and sweet snacks. Just for a little while!
Fast Food
Stop going through the drive-thrus and ordering out or in.
Social Media
Uninstall those time wasting apps and give up all social media for 30 days. You may just want to stay off longer.
Other Challenge Examples
Here are the challenges that I still wanted to include, but couldn’t really fit into any of the above categories.
One of the best things about 30 day challenges is that they are truly so versatile and customizable.
Going Green
30 days of recycling, using your reusable bags and less plastics.
Shop Local
Only shop at your locally owned stores for a month.
Like a spring cleaning challenge, but any time of the year!
Reduce the amount of things you own and focus in on what’s important.
Your 30 day challenge could be based on whatever season it is. A summer challenge is very different from an autumn or winter challenge.
Read a bible verse or pull an oracle card each day, whatever aligns with you.
So, what do you think?
Are you skeptical, or are you going to give one of these 30 day challenges a try?
If any of these 30 day challenge examples sound terrible to you, don’t do them!
They’re supposed to be fun.
They should also be realistic – not massive undertakings.
If you’re a couch potato, you probably shouldn’t start out with a goal of hitting 10,000 steps every day.
I have done many 30 day challenges, with varying levels of success.
Many of them I did not get 30/30 days completed.
But that’s ok.
It’s about challenging yourself to try. Done is better than perfect. If you slip up one day, just start again tomorrow.
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