Being the main character is about knowing that you are the protagonist of your life – but also understanding that everyone is the protagonist of their own life.

If you want to be the main character, you have got to really romanticize your life.

I’m here to tell you how.

1. Befriend Yourself

You should enjoy your own company.

If you don’t currently, it’s time to learn.

Life is too short to spend at war with yourself.

Listen to your heart, honor your wants and needs.

Your love for yourself should not be conditional.

Instead of being your worst critic be your biggest cheerleader.

Support yourself and forgive yourself for any mistakes you may have made in the past.

Respect yourself and treat yourself well.

Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations: Tell yourself that you will be the main character of your life.


Remember that you are with you forever, so you might as well make the relationship a good one.

2. Stop comparing

With social media it’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparison.

But you can’t compare your behind the scenes to someone else’s highlight reel, or your weaknesses to their strengths.

No one is posting their dirty dishes and arguments.

Nothing is ever as good as it looks on social media.

Let go of expectations that you or others had for your life.

Everyone’s journey is so different, don’t let the internet rush you.

Focus on the things you can actually control instead of the things that you can’t.


How you treat yourself shows others how you want to be treated. Remember that.

Commit to yourself.

If you’re still breathing, it’s not too late to befriend the person in the mirror.

Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself that you’re beautiful, intelligent and you absolutely got whatever life throws at you today!



3. Stay True

If you always care about what other people think, your life isn’t yours.

Think about that.

People will judge you no matter what so you might as well do what you want.

Make yourself happy.

Get out of your head and into your life.

You will always have you, so learn to take care of yourself and be true to your own values.


4. Be Confident

Ok so in reality confidence isn’t as easy as fake it until you make it.

One way to help your confidence is to always keep learning.

Let your knowledge and intellect boost your confidence in yourself.

Another way to help your confidence is to workout.

Not only does working out give you happy chemicals, but it can also help keep you in shape.


Another way to improve your confidence is to simply follow through on the promises that you make – to others and yourself.

5. Stop the Perfectionism

Do yourself a huge favor and stop aiming or looking for perfection.

Things will never be perfect and if you keep waiting, so many good, magical and beautiful things, people and opportunities will pass you by.

You can still be the main character. No main character or protagonist is perfect.

Who’d want to hear that story?

Perfect leaves no room for growth and we should always be growing.




6. Make Time

Do more things that make you happy!

I think we all live in the real world where it’s impossible to only do things that make you happy.

I am all for doing the hard work, for investing in yourself and your future.

What I am not for is waiting until you’ve achieved x y or z to start letting yourself be happy.

You don’t need to wait for the weekend, for a partner, a promotion or to lose weight.. you are already deserving of happiness right now!



Always find or make time to do the things you truly enjoy doing.

That’s going to be different for each person of course.

It could be anything from knitting to video games.

The point is to stop and smell your favorite flowers.

Then buy them for yourself, for no reason other than they make you smile.



Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.

Remember that you don’t have to be good at something to enjoy doing it.

Draw, paint, create and dance to your favorite songs.

Don’t wait to make time until you reach the point of burnout.

Make time for yourself today, right now.

7. Savor

Instead of rushing through your routines, try to do them a little more intentionally.

Taste the richness of your coffee instead of just gulping it down.



Make your breakfast pretty before you eat it.

If you have the time, take a long soak in a bathtub full of bubbles. Use the bath bombs, toss in some rose petals.

Or hang some eucalyptus in your shower to make it feel like a spa.






You are already that person you want to be.

Underneath the self doubt, fear and bad habits.

It’s time to start acting like it.

If you really want to be the main character, you have to stop waiting around for someone else to bring meaning or excitement to your life.

If you leave you with one message I hope that it’s this: you have to have self love.

You need to love yourself if you’re going to be the main character of your life.



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