We’ve all experienced burnout or just feeling overwhelmed.

You have so much on your plate that you don’t know where to start.

So you procrastinate and then you get angry with yourself for procrastinating.

After all you have so many things to do and keep track of.

But you also can’t seem to manage to motivate yourself to actually do any of those things.

So what to do when you’re feeling unmotivated?



Hustle culture might consider burnout a badge of honor, but it’s not.

You shouldn’t work yourself to the point where you are forced to take time off because you’ve worked yourself sick.

It’s not realistic to expect yourself to be operating at 110% all the time, you’re not a robot.

And even most machines need unplugging once in a while.


beep beep coffee levels getting low



We all have those times where we’re feeling overwhelmed and uninspired.

Before you can figure out what to do when you’re feeling unmotivated, you have to accept that you are.

It happens.

Sometimes life is tough and “adulting” can get stressful.

It’s normal to struggle sometimes.



Step Back

Step away from whatever you’re working on.

Focus on something else and your subconscious will still be thinking away in the background.

Sometimes it takes stepping back to see the bigger picture clearly.

Breathe deeply.

Notice any tension you’re holding in your body and try to release it.




Sometimes your body is just trying to tell you to get some rest.

Listen to your body.

Lack of sleep fuels anxiety which can then contribute to poor sleep, a vicious cycle.

Even if you don’t sleep, resting gives you an opportunity to recharge, refresh and refocus.

It’s an often overlooked part of productivity, but an essential part.

You need to have periods of rest.




Sometimes it can be easier to sort through your thoughts when you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

Things can seem clearer when you can look at them all at once.

Do a brain dump of everything that you need to do and all of the things lingering in your mind.

When you have them on paper, they’ll take up less space in your brain.

You can also break tasks down and come up with a plan of action or just write a to-done list about all of the things that you have already accomplished.



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Stop scrolling social media and comparing your life.

Just go outside and into nature.

Being out in nature can both calm you and increase your creativity.

It’s about slowing down.

I know that can be difficult, especially if you’re feeling like you should be being productive instead.

But it’s ok to just take some time to truly appreciate the beauty of nature.

There are studies that suggest immersion in nature can even benefit your health.

There’s a lot we can learn from nature, like that nothing in nature blooms all year long, so you shouldn’t expect yourself to either.



Start Small

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the things happening around you or that you have to do, try focusing one thing at a time.

Break down whatever you need to do into the smallest possible steps.

Overwhelmed by mountains of laundry? Start by washing just one load.

Remember that you can do anything, but you can’t do everything.



Gratitude is a practice that can be difficult in harder or busier times – but that’s when you need it the most!

Shift your focus: stop focusing on the struggles, negatives and the things that are going wrong.

Instead focus on what is going right.

When you focus on the good, the good gets even better. No matter what your circumstances, there are still things in your life to be thankful for.




So really what to do when you’re feeling unmotivated is to give yourself love.

Your love for yourself should be unconditional and not based on your productivity or accomplishments.

Ask yourself if most of the pressure that you are experiencing is coming from inside yourself.

It can be difficult to let go of the wheel of control and ignore our own expectations.

Remember that mental health is physical health.

Take care of yourself.



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