These spring affirmations are far more than just words, they’re a way to influence our subconscious and shift our mindset. Just as the spring season brings renewal and growth, incorporating these affirmations into your daily routine can help your own growth.

Research supports that repeating positive affirmations, like these spring affirmations, activates the reward centers in our brains. That’s why they can be so effective when it comes to transforming our thoughts, and ultimately our actions.

The trick is that affirmations are more potent the more you actually believe them. Therefore, the key is to choose affirmations that truly resonate with you.

That’s why I collected almost 50 different spring affirmations for you to be inspired by.




I am blooming into the best version of myself.

I am a part of the beauty of nature.

Spring is bringing me new opportunities for growth.

I am worthy of love, happiness, and success.

As the earth reawakens, so does my inner potential.

Every moment is ripe with potential.

I am in control of my thoughts and I choose positivity.


This season, I will get everything I have been manifesting.

I welcome the energy of spring into my life.

All that I need is within me.

I am deeply grounded in who I am.

I am filled with the potential for growth.

New discoveries await me this season.


I have time to stop and smell the flowers.

I am growing in positive ways.

Spring is bringing positivity into my life.

Like the sun, I radiate light and attract abundance.

I am grateful for the chance to start fresh.

Above all, I embrace the spirit of Spring.



I deserve everything I dream about.

Now is the season for growing and glowing.

I trust in the timing of nature.

Fresh energy is flowing towards me.

I am growing right alongside nature.



I trust in my natural intuition.

My intuition always steers me towards my highest good.

I release the past and embrace new beginnings.

I embrace the changes that spring brings into my life.

Spring is my season to make lasting positive change.


I embrace the magic that each new season brings.

I know that there is a season for everything and no season is permanent.

My goals are clear and achievable this season.

I know it’s OK to outgrow things, people, and places.

I am in the exact place I need to be right now.



The changing of seasons is my reminder that everything is temporary.

I am in a season of renewal.

I feel at peace with where I am at right now.

My gratitude grows like the flowers in spring.

I am open to new beginnings.

I am grateful for every season of my life.

My mind is open to new ideas and perspectives.



I am worthy of a beautiful life.

I breathe in tranquility and exhale anxiety.

My heart is open to new beginnings.

I am in constant bloom.

I can buy myself flowers.



Beauty is found all around me.

I am grateful for all of the abundance in my life.

Spring breezes are carrying away my troubles.

I nourish myself with positive energy.

I know that flowers need the rain, but storms don’t last forever.




The energy of spring encourages us to embrace new possibilities and opportunities for growth. These 46 spring affirmations can help to reinforce this energy and our intentions.

If you have difficulty remembering your affirmations, it can also be beneficial to print out the ones you need the most and stick them up where you’ll see them frequently.

The start of spring can be a reminder that periods of growth often follow periods of rest, but that both are essential.

Allow these spring affirmations to be your guide and encourage you to grow, bloom, and renew your own life.



Loving these spring affirmations? Then you’ll definitely enjoy these other affirmations. Affirmations can be a useful tool all year long, not just in spring.


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