There are people out there that are relaxation pros and they have no problem taking it easy.

I am not one of those people.

Sometimes doing nothing gives me anxiety. If you can relate to that, please keep reading…

This is a post about how to slow down and relax but not feel guilty about it.

Because relaxing isn’t very relaxing if you’re still thinking about all of the things that you need to get done.

That’s not real rest.

Perfectionism rarely actually equals progress, in fact in usually prolongs it.

If you are striving for perfect, you have to learn to let it go. It does not exist.

You can’t Go-Go-Go all the time. It isn’t good for you. You will burn out.

There are times to work and there are times to rest. It’s all about BALANCE.



Wake up Naturally

If you have the opportunity to let yourself wake up naturally instead of to an alarm, take it.

Rise with the sun if you want, or get the extra rest that you need.

No pressure, no guilt.

If your circadian rhythm is in good shape, you shouldn’t sleep abnormally long.

I find that my body wakes up around the time of my alarm on it’s own anyway.


Take extra care

Sometimes the little things get overlooked when we get busy.

Instead of doing your usual quick brush of your teeth and scrub of your face, take time to do extra.

Floss your teeth, scrape your tongue.

Maybe double cleanse your face, use a sheet mask and/or apply the fancy serums that you always mean to.

Take a long steamy shower, or a hot bubble bath.

Take the extra time to properly moisturize your skin after you get out.

Be extra gentle when you comb and brush your hair.

Take time to focus on taking good care of yourself and your body.


Sip Tea

Tea can not only be delicious, it can actually benefit your health.

Studies have shown that tea can literally lower cortisol levels as well as boost your cognition and mood.

Green tea is especially beneficial to your health, but the great thing about tea is how many varieties it comes in.

If you don’t like green tea you can try black, white, herbal, oolong.. even matcha is technically a form of tea!

Matcha is a tea that I just recently started drinking this year.

It comes in a powder, you add hot water to it and then mix it with a wooden whisk.

Then you add that mixture to milk.

Having to focus on the different parts of making this drink sort of forces you to pause.



Baking is pretty much cooking science.

You need to pay attention to the amount of each item that you’re putting into the recipe if you want it to come out right.

It forces you to be present in the moment and you will be keeping your hands busy.

Then once you’re done, you’ll have something that smells and tastes delicious! I believe in moderation – not in restrictions.

Allow yourself to indulge sometimes.

This one is almost cheating since you are still being productive, just in a different manner than usual.


Listen to Music

Music can really make the mood. Listen to something calming that just makes you feel peaceful.

I think instrumental music works best, but if you have a different preference do whatever sounds right to you.

Really take time to feel the music, maybe even close your eyes.


Walk in Nature

If you want to know how to slow down and relax, spend time in nature.

Like I mentioned in Mindfulness for Anxiety, there is something special about walking outside.

It’s not just about fresh air or sunlight – though those don’t hurt either!

Maybe you don’t have any nature close at hand, that’s ok too.

Just go for a walk and take in your surroundings, notice the sky.

Too often we’re so busy looking down at our phones that we forget to look up.



Of course I have to mention THE mindfulness technique.

Meditation makes you sit still and slow down.

It calls for you to not think about things that happened, or things that might happen, but to try to think only of the present moment.

For some people that sounds great, but for others that sounds like torture.

But sometimes sitting with yourself in the now is the best thing that you can do for yourself.

Or just try sitting in a little silence.

Is silence something that is unattainable for you or is it just something that you avoid?

Obviously sharing a home with someone you can’t always control the sounds around you.

But I used to always put on background noise when I was alone – just to fill the silence.

Now I like to just sit in the silence and not be distracted, influenced or subconsciously consume media.

If you have the opportunity for silence – embrace it instead of trying to fill it.


The quickest and cheapest way to travel is by reading.

Reading can take you to different places.

Reading fiction can to take you to a different country, time or galaxy.

It’s also the easiest way to keep learning.

Reading non-fiction can open up your mind, broaden your perspectives and teach you many things.



Do you ever feel so overwhelmed you feel like you just need to reboot?

When your mind is going 100 MPH sometimes you need to just slam on the brakes.

Taking a nap can slow yourself all the way down.

You might just wake up feeling refreshed.


Social Media Break

Do you maybe scroll a little too much? Check your screen time.

Are you surprised by it?

Even if you’re not, sometimes it’s just nice to not scroll.

To live in your own life only.

It’s nice to not worry about taking perfectly lit photos and just enjoy the moment.

Don’t worry about what other people are doing, or how many likes you’re receiving.

Even if you only take a break for a morning or an afternoon, that’s better than no break.

I think most of us could use a little less social media in our lives these days.


I wish I could say that I was a pro at this.

I still allow myself to get stressed out over foiled plans sometimes.

But I’m trying to be better, to be more zen.

If any of these tips helped you, or you have any tips for me – please leave a comment below!

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