Which is better, the grandiose perfect project that you never start or the good enough project that you get finished, even if it’s not exactly in line with what you envisioned?

I think we both know the answer to that. What we need to know is how to let go of perfectionism.

Side Effects

Aiming for perfection usually leads to procrastination.

Perfectionism says wait until you’re ready, wait until the perfect time.

But there is no perfect time.

There is only time and what we do with it.

Perfectionism can also heavily influence your anxiety levels.

With perfectionism there are no gradients or shades of grey, there is only black and white.

You’re either perfect, or you’re a failure.

Putting that kind of pressure on yourself is crazy! In that way, perfectionism can defeat you before you’ve even started.


I have a secret to let you in on: most people feel weird and awkward inside.

Even the ones that you think are oozing with self-confidence, experience self-doubt.

That’s why those social media filters exist, it’s why some people can’t post anything without heavily editing it.

Nothing is ever as good as it looks on social media.


Perfectionism is problematic because makes you increasingly self-critical.

It will kill your creativity if you let it.

Stop beating yourself up and only focusing on what is going wrong.

Shift your focus from all the stuff you still have to get done to all of the things you’ve already done.


Choose Progress

Perfectionism rarely actually equals progress, in fact in usually prolongs it.

Stop waiting on perfect and choose steady progress instead.

Without consistent action, you’ll never actually move forward.

It’s ok if you are taking small steps as long as you are taking those steps in the right direction.

Your progress might not look like someone else’s progress but you have got to stop comparing their experiences to yours – that’s a toxic habit.

You should be your only competition.

Once you figure out how to let go of perfectionism, you can learn to just be better than you were before.

Stop focusing so intensely on your ideal destination and learn to enjoy the journey.


Show Up

It’s ok to be a beginner. Every expert started out as one.

Moving forward slowly is so much better than never even starting.

It would be great if you could fit in a full hour of (task), but if you can only fit in 15 minutes of (task), then at least you’ll have done something.

At least you will have have showed up.


Start before you’re ready.

Be willing to start where you are.

Be willing to start small and not-so-good.

You have to start somewhere if you want to get anywhere.


Lower Your Standards

Wait – hear me out!

There is a distinct difference between excellence and perfection.

There’s nothing wrong with having high standards for yourself and your work.

It’s good to have big goals and strive to be the best that you can be.

Holding yourself to unrealistic standards is not a good thing though.

Sometimes you just have to settle for good enough.

You probably hold yourself to a far higher standard than anyone else.

Whatever your content is, it will improve with time.

The first piece of work you publish will not be your best.

You have to learn, experiment, grow and gain experience.

It is important to put yourself out there and to take risks.

Shift Your Mindset

When we have a fixed mindset we feel like we are born with limits.

When we have a growth mindset we believe in the power of practice.

You can actually shift and change your mindset through neuroplasticity.

Shifting your mindset can truly be magical.

When you change your mindset, you change everything.

Make Mistakes

It’s ok to make mistakes. Everyone does.

Mistakes are what give us experience.

Learn from your mistakes and take them as opportunities for growth.


Accept Reality

When you aim for perfect, you’re aiming for failure and disappointment.

Because perfect does not exist.

It is merely an idealized version of reality.

Don’t believe me? Take it from someone that was considerably more intelligent and aware of the ways of the universe than I am:


Stop Perfectionism Quotes

Here are a few more quotes and words of wisdom about why perfectionism is not a good thing and you should stop aiming for it.






I hope that reading this post has convinced you to at least try to let go of perfectionism.

I used to think of being a perfectionist as a positive thing.

But quite frankly, it’s not.

Perfectionism keeps us from feeling like we are enough.

The truth is that perfectionists are afraid of failure.

If you fear failure, you’ll never have success.

Besides, authenticity is so much better.

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