By reflecting on our experiences, actions and thoughts, we gain a deeper understanding of our own minds. These monthly reflection questions can help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth. Through this, we also become more empathetic towards others’ experiences.

Self-reflection is essential to being self-aware. Being self-aware is important if you want personal growth. When you’re truly self-aware you can easily identify the areas in which you need more growth.

You can also make better decisions because you truly know your values, beliefs, and motivations.

Reflecting back on your life is a great way to evaluate your progress, improve your self-awareness and gain perspective.

You might be thinking, if it’s so important then why monthly reflection questions? Why not weekly – or even daily?

I think monthly reflection is more sustainable for busy lives. I know that some days I’m too tired to sit and journal about anything. I’m going to guess that you feel that way sometimes too.


Reflection for Goals

You may set big goals at the beginning of the year, but it’s those smaller monthly goals that will get you there. That’s why reflecting is so important.

What were my goals for this month? Did I achieve them?

What did I do that worked?

What did I do that didn’t work?

What challenges did I face this month?

How did I manage my time?

How did I prioritize this month? Could I have done better?

Did I challenge myself? How?


Reflection for Resilience

These monthly reflection questions, and self-reflection in general, can help you build resilience. It makes you more aware of your triggers and stressors and gives you the opportunity to come up with strategies to better manage them.


How did I manage stress?

Did I practice enough self-care?

How were my mental and emotional states this month?

Did I start any new habits or routines? How’d that go?

Do I have any bad habits I need to quit?

What was something unexpected that happened?

Best thing that happened?

What other positive experiences did I have?

Worst thing that happened?

What other negative experiences did I have?

What have I learned and how can I apply it?


Reflection for Growth

Taking the time to really look at your progress with these monthly self-reflection questions can be a very valuable tool for personal growth. This is something your future self will actually thank you for.

Analyzing the past month can also help you improve the next month.

What have I learned about myself?

Is there anything I’ve been avoiding? Why?

How were my finances and how can I do even better?

How can I best prepare for next month?

Describe the past month in one word and explain why.

How did my relationships evolve this month?

What am I most grateful for this month?



You may not be able to set aside time more regularly to self-reflect, but I’d like to think all of us could find a little time at least a month. You want to both celebrate your successes and uncover new opportunities for growth!

Answering these monthly reflection questions consecutively will allow you to really see your progress. It’ll also help keep you accountable and therefore consistent.

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