As we leave behind the last echoes of winter, it’s the perfect time to romanticize spring with its promises of renewal and beauty.

When you romanticize your life, you create a deeper appreciation for your daily experiences. It’s about shifting your outlook to see the world through a lens of wonder and gratitude.

Spring has traditionally been seen as a season of new beginnings, what better season to romanticize? Trees begin to sprout fresh green leaves, flowers bloom open and birds sing their songs again.

But spring doesn’t just have to be a time for growth in nature, it can also be a time for growth within ourselves.


Stimulate your senses

Involve your senses to truly appreciate the season. Feel the warmth of the sun. Listen to the rustle of the leaves in the breeze and other sounds of spring. View different hues of the flowers. Smell the fresh scent of rain.

Romanticizing in itself simply choosing to focus on the good in any given situation. It’s savoring the details and cherishing the everyday experiences that might otherwise go unnoticed. When you make a conscious choice to engage all of your senses, you anchor yourself into the present moment.



The days seem to stretch on longer with the extra hours of sunlight, making it easier to feel energized and optimistic. Instead of mindlessly scrolling on your phone, or streaming a show you’ve already seen half a dozen times, make more conscious choices about how you spend your time.

Taking time to engage with nature in this way allows you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of the season and truly romanticize spring.


Bask in the glow

It can be easy to romanticize spring, a season with soft golden light. It’s the perfect season to begin stating your day by lifting the blinds, or fully throwing open your windows.

Fresh air can be invigorating first thing in the morning, and the birds are sure to be singing from up high.

Natural sunlight doesn’t just brighten your space either; it can also help brighten your mood. Sunlight has proven to be a powerful mood enhancer, and beneficial to getting a good night’s sleep.



The softer lighting of spring also makes it an ideal time to grab your camera or smartphone to capture some amazing photos.

By looking for subjects to photograph, you can deepen your appreciation for the natural beauty of the season.



The light can also be more flattering if you’re more into taking portraits, or documenting daily life. You can create a personal photo journal of just how spring unfolded for you this year.

Try New Things

Spring is the ideal backdrop for expanding your horizons and trying new things. Adding new activities to this season is a way to add some variety and flavor to your daily routines.

Embrace opportunities to do something different – through creativity, physical activity, or connecting with nature.

Creative Things

The brighter colors of spring provide ample inspiration for creating art. Try your hand at watercolor painting, a relatively inexpensive and forgiving medium. Even a beginner can find satisfaction in creating a scene through watercolors.

Don’t have a canvas? Try using a rock! Rock painting has become an increasingly popular craft for all ages. You can find smooth rocks on the ground, or purchase some from a craft store.



Using acrylic paints, you can transform the plain rocks into beautiful pieces of art. You can also use acrylic paints to the same end on plant pots. Plain terracotta plants are inexpensive and easy to find, especially during the spring season.

If you’re not feeling into being creative yourself, consider listening to some music. Music has the incredible power to transform experiences into something magical. Take time to compile a playlist of new songs that channel the essence of spring.

Romanticize spring by creating a soundtrack to accompany you through the season.


Physical Activity Ideas

Shake off the winter blues with a new fitness routine. When it’s not raining, the temperatures are usually mild enough for outdoor activities.

Cycling and golfing are great if you have the equipment, or can borrow some. But just taking a nice stroll down the street is free and effective.



As the days continue to grow warmer, another way to take advantage of the season is through swimming. Swimming in a pool, or in a natural body of water, can be incredibly refreshing.



Many local and community pools start reopening around this time as well after having been closed for the winter season.

Swimming isn’t just for fun either, it’s also a great form of low-impact full-body exercise.


To Connect with Nature

The flowers and the animals are coming back out into the open, making spring a great time to reconnect to nature. Making a bird feeder an be as easy as finding a pinecone, some peanut butter and a string!

Many parks have ducks that are accustomed to being fed by people as well. I have fond memories of feeding bread to park ducks myself, but bread is actually not very good for them.

Corn, rice, peas, lettuce, and grapes are all great alternatives to feed to ducks that actually have a bit of nutritional value.

Spring also happens to be one of the best seasons to visit a vineyard.



Taking a trip to a local vineyard to taste different wines in a beautiful landscape can be another way you connect to nature.


Update Your Wardrobe

As the weather warms, it can be a good idea to make sure your current wardrobe reflects that. Heavy coats and thick boots can go back into the closet. Packing away your winter clothes and unpacking your spring and summer attire can be a very satisfying to symbolize the changing of seasons.

Don’t forget your clothing accessories either, you can swap out heavy bags, scarves and hats for more light and colorful options.


Transform your wardrobe to further invite the energy of spring renewal into your life.


Spring flowers

Spring is synonymous with flowers, so what better way to romanticize the season than with a bit of greenery? There are a multitude of ways your can immerse yourself in the world of plants and flowers.

Try starting a garden. You can plant all sorts of things, and there are certain plants that are beginner friendly. Not only will you bring beauty to your space, but you’ll also achieve a sense of accomplishment as your watch your garden grow.

Not a lot of space? Container gardening exists for just this purpose. There are a variety of things you can grow in a small pot on a balcony, or sitting in the windowsill.

Certain herbs can be grown on in your own kitchen. They don’t require any outdoor space and can provide fresh flavors to your culinary creations.

If planting your own garden isn’t an option, or isn’t a commitment you want to make, consider visiting botanical gardens or arboretums (gardens devoted to trees over smaller plants).



Try taking a walk and gathering a few wildflowers. You can even get creative and weave them into a whimsical spring flower crown.

Take time to connect with nature and let the beauty of the season further inspire you to romanticize spring.


Get outside

Another way to experience nature is through outdoor adventures. There are so many ways to immerse yourself in the great outdoors – simply stepping outside can make a big difference in your day.

Breathe in that fresh spring air and simply observe nature around you. Spring is also the ideal time to dust off your bike and take a ride in the crisp air.

Bike riding doesn’t just provide you with scenery, it also allows you to get in some exercise without feeling like you have to do a tough workout.



If you live near bodies of water, paddle boarding can also be a refreshing way to reconnect with nature.

Taking the time to go out for a walk or hike can completely transform your mood. Spring is a great time for this because you don’t have the harsh heat of summer beating down on you yet. Choose where and how far to go to suit your own personal fitness levels, and don’t forget to bring a water bottle with you!


Spring showers

What is just as much a part of spring as flowers? Rain showers! If you’re limited to indoor activities during spring, don’t despair! There are plenty of things you can do on rainy days.

It really doesn’t matter the season, it’s almost always a good time to visit your local library. Not only are there many books and other materials to borrow, many libraries offer different workshops and activities you can participate in. Stay to enjoy the relative quiet of the place, or take your finds home with you to read in the comfort of your own home.



For a challenge, you can also try rock climbing. What’s great about rock climbing is that you don’t have to do it outdoors – many places feature indoor walls to help you practice without taking risks!


Get Gaming

In America, the start of spring also represents the start of the baseball season. Attending a baseball game is a great way to engage with other members of your community.

It doesn’t have to be a major league game, try checking our your local leagues! Even someone who isn’t a fan of the game might be swayed by the spirited atmosphere.

If the weather permits, try playing a game outside with some friends! It doesn’t have to be a serious tournament, or even a sport. Just toss a frisbee or kick a ball while taking advantage of the spring weather.

If you prefer to spend your evenings indoors consider hosting, or attending, a game night!



Take time to transform your living room into a gaming zone. Board games are usually more fun with refreshments, but that’s not the only kind of games you can play. Consider card games, puzzles, word games, or even video games.


Eat Seasonally

Eating fruits and vegetables that are currently in season has several benefits. Since the produce is currently abundant, prices will likely be lower due to the higher supply.

If you are purchasing your produce locally, like from a farmer’s market, you will find a lot more in season than out of season produce.



It goes well beyond just price though. You’re more likely to get fresher fruits and vegetables when they’re in season. Fresher produce is often richer in vitamins and minerals, and in general more flavorful.

Eating seasonally also keeps things novel and interesting. With the changing of the seasons, comes the changing of your diet. Keeping your diet diverse makes sure that you’re getting enough different nutrients, which is good for your general health.

It also gives you an excuse to try new recipes and flavors.



Fruits in season during spring include strawberries, lemons, cherries, and mangos. Vegetables in season during spring include asparagus, mushrooms, carrots, and artichokes.


Sweeter side

A delicious way to welcome the warmer weather is by indulging in ice cream.

Depending on where you live, you might start to hear the music of your local ice cream truck driving through the neighborhood.

Homemade ice cream is a wonderful activity to try at home. Not only can you experiment with flavors, but you can also exercise complete control over the ingredients. That way you can cater to your specific preferences, or restrictions.

Of course you can always pick up some ice cream from the freezer of your local grocery store, but why not make it an adventure?



Try checking out some local shops. Not only will you be supporting local businesses, but you may also get the opportunity to sample unique flavors.


Child-like wonder

Utilize spring as a catalyst to not only reconnect with nature, but with the joy of child-like activities. Embrace your inner child to romanticize this lively season. If you aren’t sure where to start, no worries! I have a few great ideas for you.

Try blowing bubbles. There’s something just magical about the way bubbles float in the air. You can buy anything from a wand with a solution, a bubble machine, or opt to make your own with dish soap.



Another frugal but fun child-like activity is flying paper planes! All you need is a piece of paper and a lot of patience. It can be fun to engage in a bit of friendly competition with friends or family.

Pull out your chalk sticks and use the sidewalk as a temporary canvas for your creativity. You can draw, you can write, you can even draw out a hopscotch court to play by yourself or with others.



If hopscotch seems like a silly idea, consider that it’s origins date back to BCE!


Of course life has challenges, and romanticizing isn’t about pretending that they don’t exist.

If you’re used to focusing on the negative in any given situation, it’s going to take a lot of adjustment to start focusing on the positive. But it is possible to rewire your brain to think in a way that promotes gratitude instead of feelings of lack.

When you romanticize spring, you’re really romanticizing where you are currently in your life. It just happens to be the season of spring!


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