Ok. We all know that we could be more active.. but when you’re not active, where do you start?

You start small and you start easy.

Progress takes time so consistency is key.

You don’t need to throw yourself into an extreme workout challenge.

If you love exercising, that’s amazing! ..But this is probably not the post for you.

I’m going to talk about how getting into a more active lifestyle can be about more than just exercising.

It’s all about easy ways to be more active after all.

*Full disclaimer if you didn’t realize this already, I am not a personal trainer or a doctor of any kind. These are just things that have personally helped me lead a more active lifestyle!*

Mental Benefits


Getting more movement into your life may actually help you feel better mentally as well.

I didn’t want to believe it either, but there’s a lot of scientific evidence supporting exercise as a natural anti-depressant.

If it does make you feel better, why wouldn’t you want to do more of it?


Track your Steps

These days so many of us have a fitness band, smart watch or smart phone – all of which can track the amount of steps we get in a day.

I’ve heard at least a hundred times that the amount of steps you should aim for in a day is 10,000 which is roughly 5 miles.

If you’re thinking that’s a lot.. you are not alone.

But there are a lot of ways you can fit in movement and steps into your day.


Non-Exercise-Activity-Thermogenesis. Basically this is all of the movement that you do when you’re going about your daily life.

That includes cleaning the house, yard work and gardening as well as chasing after small children.



Put on some music that you can’t help but move to and have a dance party!

Have a solo dance party, or dance with a friend.

This is great exercise and it’s fun.


If you don’t want to just have a dance party, try turning up the music while you do chores around the house.

Having the music on will make it actually kinda fun instead of just something that you have to do.



Are there things that you do for fun that include movement?

Maybe you like to play a sport like basketball, tennis or just frisbee.

You might like to jump rope or hula hoop.

Maybe you have small, fast children that you chase around the park.

The thing that comes to mind for me is swimming.



I am fortunate enough to live in Florida, a state with an abundant amount of access to the ocean.

But even if you don’t live near a coast, swimming in a swimming pool can also be great.

Swimming is really good exercise but low impact, so it doesn’t really feel like you’re getting a workout even if you are.



Ok this may seem obvious, but do you actually take walks?

They don’t have to be power walks, or brisks walks.

Maybe your only motivation is that you want to be able to keep walking when you’re old – that’s fine.

Not only does walking strengthen the muscles in your legs and improve your balance but it also builds bone mass – helping prevent osteoporosis later in life.

What kind of old person do you want to be? I’m guessing an active and fun one.

via giphy

Walking can also help in your efforts to lose weight if that’s your goal.

Hiking can be fun alternative, even if you live in a very flat place like Florida.

Taking a walk or hike in nature can actually help boost your creativity as a side effect.

Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far.” – Thomas Jefferson


My tips for walking are as followed:
#1: Wear comfy shoes

Wearing comfortable shoes will help you stick to actually walking more.
#2: When Shopping

Don’t park in the first 10 spaces in the parking lot.
If you come out with a cart, actually put the cart back into the corral or bring it all the way back to the store.
#3: Go Up

Take the stairs, even if there’s an elevator or escalator.
#4: Listen

Put in your earbuds or pull on your headphones and listen to music, a podcast or an audio book while you walk.

#5: Remind Yourself

Set an hourly movement reminder.

Bonus: Have A Dog

If you have a dog, you already have a walking partner and an additional reason to get outside and take a walk.


Do Yoga

Something a little slower, more deliberate and spiritual than exercise.

Yoga has ancient origins and although it is often thought of as a mostly physical practice, it is more.

Yoga is actually a practice meant to unite you physically, mentally and spiritually.

The word itself has it’s root in the most ancient language of Sanskrit, derived from the word yujmeaning to unite.


Yoga can become very complex and difficult, but there are a lot of easier beginner poses you could try.

Studies show that the benefits of yoga are many and include better flexibility, increased muscle tone and improved cardiovascular health.

I recommend heading over to Youtube to find someone trained to follow along with.

Sofa workouts

Ok this one is exercise, but only a little bit.

If you still watch TV with commercials use the commercial breaks as an opportunity to get some movement.

Maybe you just get up and walk in place or run to the bathroom.

Just use the commercial break as your reminder to get up and get moving.

If you happen to be watching shows without commercials at a later date, you can still get up between each episode and use the same tips!

You can also use the break to do some quick workouts either in front of or using your sofa.

Even if you are a self proclaimed couch potato or you just have to finish binge watching a show, you have no excuses!


Buddy Up

You are more likely to work hard when you have the accountability of a friend or partner.

Exercising with someone else can help motivate you when you don’t feel like showing up.

It doesn’t just have to be an in person group either – if you can’t find anyone willing to partner with you in real life, there’s plenty of opportunities for accountability online.

Listen to your body

Even if your main reason for getting active is to lose weight, try not to focus too much on the number.

The scale does not define you.

Your weight can fluctuate depending on so many factors – including stress. So if you’re stressing yourself out about the scale, you’re not helping!

What truly matters is how you actually feel.

There is not one standard definition of beauty or one perfect size.” – Ashley Graham


Don’t compare yourself to others. Your body is your own body.

It is unique and it will never become someone else’s body.

Get movement because you love your body and not because you hate it.




Take a rest day if you need a rest day.

It’s ok to slow down if you need to.

Don’t push yourself too hard.

You should be balancing your movement with rest. You need both.


Remember that progress takes time.

We’re all on different parts of our own journeys.

Tiered Goals

My last tip is something that I sort of came up with on my own.

The idea is to have a high, middle and low goal.

Why? Because you’re not at the same levels of energy every day.

Your 100% is not the same every day.



My point is that you don’t have to go for the gold every day.

Just try to make it onto the stand.

Show up for your health and for your goals but don’t expect to be perfect. No one is.

Having a lazy day sometimes is still ok. If you’ve read any of my other posts before then you already know what I’m going to say: Like most things in life, it’s all about BALANCE.

Give yourself credit for showing up.

Those are all of my ideas for easy ways to be more active, I hope you found some inspiration here!

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1 Comment

  1. LOVED IT. I am trying to get more consistency in my activity